How To Spot The Manipulator In Your Life (And Keep Them Out)

What do you do if you are being subjected to some or all of the above? Find the courage to leave as soon as possible and close the door tightly. Manipulators (who could also be undiagnosed sociopaths or narcissists) will likely never change and you will continue to enable their behaviour by accepting what they dish out. The price to pay will be your self-esteem, your identity and you will learn that your needs are not important.

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How To Get Over A Bad Breakup: The Six Most Important Factors

If it was a bad break-up, that is that one partner was surprised or there was a general lack of communication and respect, then the process can be extremely traumatic for all concerned. How you handle it afterwards will largely depend on you as an individual, your coping mechanisms and your willingness to move forward.

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The Path To Freedom: The Role Of The Inner Child

I made a connection at that time that has persevered. My 13 year old self is with me most days. It’s hard sometimes when I am triggered into feeling the same as he did but I get through it by talking to him in a way that nobody did at the time. He has trouble trusting what people say to him to be true but I try to be consistent and build trust.

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